Enrolling in Medicare online for Massachusetts residents is easy. During COVID, appointments that would normally take place at the social security office, face-to-face, are now being done through the SSA online portal or over the phone. It’s been my observation that the online option is fast and easy,
whereas hold times can be long given the bottleneck that COVID has created.

Below are the simple steps to enroll in Medicare A or A and B online. If you do not know if you should enroll in part B and would like a FREE CONSULTATION, let me know and we can schedule a phone appointment to do a cost and situation-analysis.

STEP #1 – Go to, scroll down and click on mysocialsecurity. Create an account if you have not already done so. SAVE YOUR USER NAME AND PASSWORD! Be prepared for what could be some
difficult questions. They already know the answers, they are testing to make sure you are you. Do not lose your username and password that you set up.

*This does not mean you are applying for your social security benefits; it’s simply setting you up with an account so that you can apply for Medicare.*

STEP #2 – Now, go back to the home page of, and this time click on the box to the right called Medicare Enrollment. Some of your information will be added in automatically for you. If you are ready to sign up for Medicare, then answer the questions like this:

A) Do you want Part B of Medicare? – the answer is yes if you are dropping your current plan, or no if you want to continue your current plan

B) Are you on a group plan? – the answer is NO if you are dropping it, and yes if you are staying on it.

Once this has been successfully completed, you can log into your mysocialsecurity acct in approx. 8-9 days, click on benefit award letter to obtain your Medicare #.

Call or email us today to understand your plan options under Medicare- all I do is help residents of Massachusetts evaluate and understand their options.

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